Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday- Starting Camp

I am now typing about Monday- and I'm sorry I missed it yesterday. So, my mom set the alarm for about 7:15. I am not used to waking up this early, but we didn't know where my camp was quite yet. My camp was an art camp, and once we found where it was located, we signed in and they sent me to my camp instructor. My camp was called Medieval Masterpieces and I had two instructors- Jenna and Danielle.  Our first craft we did was a coat of arms (I'm pretty sure that's how you spell it). You first made a shield shape and divided it into six sections. In the first section you put your birthday and your age, in the second section you put your family, in the third section you put your favorite subject in school, in the fourth section you put your...(oops, I forgot- sorry!), in the fifth section you put your favorite animal, and in the sixth section you put your favorite song or band. We did so many fun things this day I can't even name all of them (also because I have a terrible memory. Yes, I know it was just yesterday.)! So anyways, after camp was over, my grandma and I went to Welsch Pool 8ith my friend named Mary. We stayed there until 8:00 pm, because that was when the pool closed. After the pool, Mary and I showered and put our pajamas on and we watched Grease. That pretty much sums up my day.


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