Wednesday, July 10, 2013


How great it was to see our Kansas family! My dad's sister and her family live in the most amazing place in the country. The kids can't get enough of it, and I love slowing down and catching up with family. Ian now wants either a golf cart or a 4-wheeler for his birthday. When we had to leave Ian said he couldn't "I BELONG here mom!". Thursday morning he cried for an hour in the car!

Even though Baby and Mac could almost have been twins, they sure didn't like spending time together. I guess that's like a lot of siblings act.  Baby was definitely intimidated by the cat, Sophie, though.

I'm sorry I don't have pictures of Steve and Kelly! Kelly was really great in helping Ian when the golf cart wouldn't start in the middle of a field. Jeff was so great to let Ian just go to town with it. I hope we left it in OK shape.

Thank you so much for the great hospitality and great conversation! I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer.

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